Show Detailed (Verbose) Information While Windows Starts/Shutdown [How To]

31 de maio de 2022


  • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box, type regedit and press Enter to open the Registry EditorWindows 7 and Vista users will get UAC prompt, click Yes, to open the Registry Editor.

  • Now, browse to the following key:


  • In the right pane, right-click and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value or DWORD value and name it as VerboseStatus.

  • Double-click on VerboseStatus DWORD to set its value as 1 with base as Hexadecimal.


  • Now, Windows will display detailed information during start-up and shutdown.

  • If you want to disable verbose display, simply set the value of VerboseStatus as 0 instead of 1.

Simple isn’t it? Now you can easily find what is wrong with Windows and disable the service or program that is causing trouble. Share your views through comments below about this tip!

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